Renal POCUS/EDE presentation from EMU 2021 & NOVEC 2021

Hey Folks, See below my Renal POCUS/EDE presentation from EMU 2021 ( & NOVEC 2021 ( It’s more about clinical management and impact on ED flow with some illustrative cases. Given the size of the file, there were challenges uploading the video to the blog. So we have created an EDE ONLINE YouTube channel for […]

As we navigate a new world with Covid 19, the EDE family is proud to announce two NEW products – EDE ONLINE and EDE Bedside Aid (EDE App) for mobile devices. EDE ONLINE is made up of: The EDE eBook; Online Modules of EDE 1 and EDE 2; and the EDE App. It contains all […]
CPOCUS Expanded Track Certification Course in Montreal

Hi All, Please see below for info from EDE 2 Author Dr Joel Turner regarding a CPOCUS Expanded Track Certification Course being held in Montreal this October. EDE 2 online modules are being used as the pre-course prep. Steve 3-day course at the Jewish General Hospital that will provide participants with opportunity to obtain all requirements […]
Hammering away on the peritonsillar abscess theme…

Lloyd Gordon sent me this article. It is not a study regarding POCUS guidance for peritonsillar abscess (PTA). PTA drainage procedures in this study appear to have been done by ENT surgeons using old school blind technique. But it is a negative study. So good to tackle nonetheless. The article is by Battaglia et al […]
Transesophageal Echo & a New Podcast!

Transesophageal echo is slowly making inroads into emergency medicine. It has been presented at EDE 3 a couple of times by Dr Laurie Robichaud. I know that Jordan Chenkin and his team are using TEE at Sunnybrook and have had some pretty cool cases already. Ditto for Tom Jelic with some trauma cases in Winnipeg. […]
POCUS/EDE for Peritonsillar Abscess Drainage – An N of 1 Study

OK, this wasn’t really a pre-planned N of 1 study. But it’s a case that illustrates the power of POCUS/EDE to help diagnose and drain peritonsillar abscesses (PTA). A male in his late teens presented to the ED a few months ago with a sore throat. He was seen in a walk-in clinic 2 days […]
Tanzania/ Kenya PoCUS project

I don’t have many heroes. Most of mine were accumulated in childhood, a time when that designation perhaps has fewer and less rigourous criteria. Having grown up in Montréal in the 1970s, Ken Dryden, Maurice “The Rocket” Richard, and Pierre Trudeau were mine. As adults, I think we have a higher threshold for calling someone […]
Lloyd’s Corner: POCUS makes things so easy, even the patient’s spouse can make the diagnosis!

Here is another case from Dr Lloyd Gordon of Humber in Toronto… A 32 year-old man presented to the ED with vague and occasional symptoms of urinary discomfort and mild hematuria for 4 months. He had been given multiple courses of antibiotics. The history was otherwise unremarkable. Physical exam was completely negative. The patient looked […]
Scanning the adnexa…a no-go zone?

Since 2001, The EDE Course has been teaching Obstetrical EDE, both the abdominal and transvaginal approaches. Ever since then, participants have been counseled to simply evaluate for a definitive intrauterine pregnancy. If the answer to the binary question is yes, then an ectopic pregnancy has been effectively ruled out, unless one happens to be concerned […]
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