Hammering away on the peritonsillar abscess theme…

Lloyd Gordon sent me this article. It is not a study regarding POCUS guidance for peritonsillar abscess (PTA). PTA drainage procedures in this study appear to have been done by ENT surgeons using old school blind technique. But it is a negative study. So good to tackle nonetheless. The article is by Battaglia et al […]
Hot off the presses: #POCUS for Aortic Dissection

For the last few years, while doing bedside teaching at EDE 2 or EDE 3, or in my own ED, I have been occasionally sharing useful tidbits regarding the utility of POCUS for aortic dissection. I have been mentioning that a PCE, an aortic flap (at any level of the aorta), and a dilated aortic […]
Rhein Man and POCUS-guided IVs

Stéphane Rhein who works at Hôpital Charles LeMoyne in Longueuil (just south of Montréal) recently sent us this article summary of some research that he and his colleagues published on POCUS-guided IVs by RNs in Québec. We thought we would share 🙂 Hi Guys, Since I doubt any of you spend any time reading nursing […]
Med students & #POCUS

Medical schools across the world are incorporating POCUS into their undergraduate curriculum. A natural result is more and more research into the area. Tom Jelic reviewed this study at EDE 3 journal club. Udrea and colleagues from Loma Linda in California published their results in the Journal of Emergency Medicine earlier this year. Here is […]
POCUS for Pneumonia? EDE 3 Journal Club Meta-analysis presented by TJ

There is more and more research looking at the utility of POCUS for diagnosing pneumonia, both in adults and pediatrics. At the EDE 3 journal club, Dr Tom Jelic presented a meta-analysis on the topic published by Alzahrani et al in CUJO, Critical Ultrasound Journal. The title is “Systematic review and meta-analysis for the use […]
CVLs: When gas is useful in #POCUS

Here are 2 studies that Tom Jelic presented at the latest EDE 3 journal club looking at the use of a saline flush to confirm central line placement. In the presentation, Tom shows a video of a subxiphoid view showing what is seen within 2 seconds of the flush being injected. The 2 studies were […]
EDE 3 Journal Club: Is the Tube In? Can #POCUS tell you?

That was a deceiving title. You were all thinking endotracheal tube, weren’t you? Or maybe chest tube? Actually, I am referring to the nasogastric tube. I know what you’re thinking. “Why would we need ultrasound to see if the nasogastric tube is in the stomach? It’s pretty easy to tell clinically with a stethoscope.” You […]
EDE 3 Journal Club: Shoulder #POCUS for dislocations

We just held the 2nd iteration of the EDE 3 Journal Club led by Dr Tom Jelic from Winnipeg. Yesterday, Tom presented the results of a study by Dr Can Akyol from Turkey. He and his colleagues looked at the use of POCUS for shoulder dislocation. Click here for the pubmed link. Click the video […]
OR-based study of #POCUS for Airway Confirmation

Here is another study presented by Dr Tom Jelic at EDE 3 Journal Club. This was an OR-based study led by Dr Davinder Ramsinghat from UC Irvine looking at the use of POCUS for airway confirmation. Here is the pub med link.
#POCUS for distal radius fractures

Here is the next study presented by Dr Tom Jelic at the EDE 3 Journal Club. It was a multicentre study done in a few centres in Canada. Those centres were St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver (Dr Andrew Skinner), Foothills Hospital in Calgary (Dr Mark Bromley), Saint John Regional Hospital in Saint John (Dr Paul Atkinson), […]
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