Rogue waves
CPOCUS Expanded Track Certification Course in Montreal

Hi All, Please see below for info from EDE 2 Author Dr Joel Turner regarding a CPOCUS Expanded Track Certification Course being held in Montreal this October. EDE 2 online modules are being used as the pre-course prep. Steve 3-day course at the Jewish General Hospital that will provide participants with opportunity to obtain all requirements […]
Transesophageal Echo & a New Podcast!

Transesophageal echo is slowly making inroads into emergency medicine. It has been presented at EDE 3 a couple of times by Dr Laurie Robichaud. I know that Jordan Chenkin and his team are using TEE at Sunnybrook and have had some pretty cool cases already. Ditto for Tom Jelic with some trauma cases in Winnipeg. […]
Tanzania/ Kenya PoCUS project

I don’t have many heroes. Most of mine were accumulated in childhood, a time when that designation perhaps has fewer and less rigourous criteria. Having grown up in Montréal in the 1970s, Ken Dryden, Maurice “The Rocket” Richard, and Pierre Trudeau were mine. As adults, I think we have a higher threshold for calling someone […]
Cleanliness is next to…

Every so often, we receive a question regarding endocavitary probe cleaning procedures. So I thought I would post some information regarding our process in Sudbury. In essence, you cannot go wrong if you use the same procedure as your radiology department. Our cleaning process has been stable for many years. We involved different stakeholders in […]
EDE Zen and the Art of POCUS Teaching

This is for all the POCUS teachers out there… We started the EDE 2 course in February 2009. To be honest, myself and the rest of the team were still figuring out the best way to do the various scans that we taught. We were also improving our bedside teaching. As most of you know, […]
The Septal Slap

I like giving credit where credit is due. But often enough, it is simply not possible. As we learn and teach point-of-care ultrasound, we stand on the shoulders of many unidentified people. Long ago, there were the early scientists who researched sound waves. They discovered that part of the sound spectrum that we now use […]
Pining for POCUS

I just met Dr Wendy Iseman online. She is an emergency physician from Markham in the GTA. She signed up for the EDE 2 Course being held prior to the EMU conference. But she had to cancel. Why? Their one and only ultrasound machine has suffered a final blow and will emit sound waves no […]
You got a POCUS Question? Put up your hand!

Since we went to the format with EDE 2 of putting all of the old PowerPoint presentations online in an interactive format, we have offered to answer the questions of participants as they work through the modules in getting ready for the live part of the course. This is intended to mimic a classroom where […]
EM POCUS Fellowships in Canada

It’s coming up on 10 years since we started our POCUS fellowship in Sudbury. Dr Andrew Skinner was our first fellow who we conned accepted into the fellowship 🙂 Andrew went onto start the fellowship at St Paul’s in Vancouver. Since then, the number of Canadian EM POCUS has grown significantly. Among them are fellowships […]
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