EDE 3 Leading Edge POCUS Conference
The second annual EDE 3 conference has just wrapped up in Turks and Caicos. Despite the horrible Canadian weather making it miserable to travel, 30 brave families succeeded in attending the sold-out course.
Topics included:
- confirmation of ETT placement,
- US-guided cricothyrotomy,
- US assessment of appendicitis, diverticulitis, bowel obstruction
- Testicular US
- Shoulder assessment
- Thorax (pneumonia, pulmonary edema, PE, etc)
- Fluid responsiveness using cardiac and carotid VTI
- Nerve blocks such as supraclavicular, popliteal sciatic, paravertebral, superficial cervical, TAP
- Review of the best literature of 2013
Hope to see many of you at the next course in 2015. We are planning to have it at a winter resort in Canada next year so stay tuned!