S/Q saline injection for pediatric art lines placed with POCUS guidance?

I was catching up on back issues of Anesthesia & Analgesia when I came across this article from the May 2014 issue: Nakayama et al. A novel method for ultrasound-guided radial arterial catheterization in pediatric patient. This was actually 2 studies in 1, or 2 phases as the authors call it. Common features of both […]
#POCUS for DVT in the ICU: Can it be Done?

Anton Helman (@EMCases) from EM Cases brought up a recent article on Twitter regarding DVT POCUS performed by internal medicine residents in the ICU. The results were…disappointing… But does this spell the end for DVT EDE? Let’s peel back the layers of the onion & see. If you would like to read the article yourself, […]
POCUS for the Kissing Disease

That’s right! You can use POCUS in the workup of the patient with suspected infectious mononucleosis. So say Drs. Sarah Farukhi and JC Fox from UC Irvine. They published their case report in the latest issue of CUJO, the Critical Ultrasound Journal. These are cases that we see all the time. Mid-late teens. Exudative pharyngitis. […]
Faster, radiation-free approach to Renal Colic with POCUS/EDE

We see LOTS of kidney stones in Sudbury. I’d swear that they mostly contain nickel and not calcium! About 5 years ago, I saw a 31-year-old patient with renal colic. I looked up their medical records on the computer. They had had 12 (!) CT scans in the previous 2 years. Can we do better? […]
Multiorgan POCUS to rule out P.E.

Diagnosing pulmonary embolism (PE) in the emergency department remains a significant challenge. Deciding on who to scan, who to anticoagulate, and who to discharge home can be difficult. This recent article by Nazerian, et al, in Chest may allow a way for POCUS to significantly rule out PE in a large number of patients. They used […]
Apocalypse Now! Nonradiologists performing most US-guided procedures

The Increasing Role of Nonradiologists in Performing Ultrasound-Guided Invasive Procedures Journal of the American College of Radiology (November 2013), 10 (11), Complete, pg. 859-863 Richard E. Sharpe; Levon N. Nazarian; David C. Levin; Laurence Parker; Vijay M. Rao In this American study, data shows that as of 2010 non-radiologists were doing more ultrasound guided […]
Best wrist angle for Art line with POCUS

I was glancing through the latest (January) issue of the Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, because that’s how we roll at the EDE Blog, and I noticed this article… Kucuk et al. Forty-five degree wrist angulation is optimal for ultrasound guided long axis radial artery cannulation in patients over 60 years old: a randomized […]
Carpal tunnel syndrome

There are quite a number of studies looking at the use of ultrasound to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The median nerve swells just proximal to the carpal tunnel in patients with CTS. The thought is that one can measure the size of the nerve to make the diagnosis. A recent article was published in […]
Pseudogestational sac

You all know to be wary of the pseudogestational sac in the setting of a potential ectopic pregnancy. An article by Benson this past March in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine gives us a little more data regarding this entity. The pub med link: The quick and dirty summary… This article was from […]
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