Rogue waves
Lung pulse

Anton Helman (@EM_Cases) from EM Cases sent a tweet asking about the lung pulse and if we use and recommend it. We do. It’s mentioned at the end of the Thoracic chapter by Ben Ho. Jordan Chenkin (@POCUS_Toronto) presented Airway EDE at EDE 3 last month and spoke of the lung pulse. We will include […]
EDE 2/3 Calgary: -35 degree scanning

The 41st EDE 2 course is officially complete! We had a fantastic group of enthusiastic physicians attend despite the arctic temperatures. Sure there were cars that wouldn’t start and the ultrasound models’ goosebumps made it harder to scan them, but we are Canadian and we laugh at the cold! Particularly when it isn’t us getting […]
Think about the children! Ruling in appendicitis

A few days ago I was shocked and surprised to have an 8 year old male taken to the O.R. by our surgeon with only a clinical exam and my bedside scan. The child was seen in the late evening when access to U/S and CT is very limited at our shop. While the […]
Beware of the carpet

Identifying tendon ruptures is usually straightforward clinically but there are many cases where POCUS can help greatly. For the acutely swollen and tender knee, it is often difficult to do a thorough exam and the patient is often left non-weight bearing and gets reassessed several days or weeks later. However, POCUS can help identify significant […]
EDE 3 Leading Edge POCUS Conference

The second annual EDE 3 conference has just wrapped up in Turks and Caicos. Despite the horrible Canadian weather making it miserable to travel, 30 brave families succeeded in attending the sold-out course. Topics included: confirmation of ETT placement, US-guided cricothyrotomy, US assessment of appendicitis, diverticulitis, bowel obstruction Testicular US Shoulder assessment Thorax (pneumonia, pulmonary […]
Happy Holidays POCUS-style!

May POCUS help you do the right thing for your patients at this time of year when access to health care and diagnostics is in short supply. And yes, as you can see Santa brought me a whole bunch of presents this year! I will get to share them with those attending the EDE 3 […]
Femoral nerve block gear

Even though we teach the femoral nerve block at EDE 2 and have collectively done a bunch ourselves, it still takes a bit of time to do the block. It’s not a 2-minute procedure. One of the battles is getting together all the gear needed to do the block. That gear is not usually all […]
Squeezing knee to see more fluid in bursa

We sometimes get asked if scanning the suprapatellar bursa for an effusion has any risk of missing an effusion that is located in the knee joint. The risk is pretty low. The bursa and the knee joint are continuous with each other. But if you want to make doubly sure, you can always squeeze the […]
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