Pseudogestational sac

You all know to be wary of the pseudogestational sac in the setting of a potential ectopic pregnancy. An article by Benson this past March in the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine gives us a little more data regarding this entity. The pub med link: The quick and dirty summary… This article was from […]
Happy Holidays POCUS-style!

May POCUS help you do the right thing for your patients at this time of year when access to health care and diagnostics is in short supply. And yes, as you can see Santa brought me a whole bunch of presents this year! I will get to share them with those attending the EDE 3 […]
Small Bowel Obstruction is not hard to find with POCUS: Lloyd Gordon makes his case

This patient complained of vomiting, hematemesis, abdominal distension. POCUS revealed normal looking small bowel with normal peristalsis in the pelvis and lower abdomen. The upper abdomen had a few lengths of SB which were distended (SBO) and with poor peristalsis. CT confirmed small bowel obstruction plus revealed tiny areas of free air (micro-perforation). […]
DVT: “Augmenting” your physical exam

Dr. Gordon is fast becoming an expert not only at performing various applications but remembering to put together great images and video for teaching others. And don’t forget, the patient’s family members can make great assistants! Below is his first submission to the EDE Blog but I have no doubt there will be many […]
Making Mountains out of Moles: The molar pregnancy

I was called into an exam room by our physician assistant the other day. She had just done a POCUS on a 43 year old female, gravida 5, 10 weeks pregnant, with vaginal spotting and no significant pain. We are lucky to have some keen PA’s who are completing their certification in basic POCUS. This […]
Femoral nerve block gear

Even though we teach the femoral nerve block at EDE 2 and have collectively done a bunch ourselves, it still takes a bit of time to do the block. It’s not a 2-minute procedure. One of the battles is getting together all the gear needed to do the block. That gear is not usually all […]
Squeezing knee to see more fluid in bursa

We sometimes get asked if scanning the suprapatellar bursa for an effusion has any risk of missing an effusion that is located in the knee joint. The risk is pretty low. The bursa and the knee joint are continuous with each other. But if you want to make doubly sure, you can always squeeze the […]
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