EDE 3 Journal Club: Is the Tube In? Can #POCUS tell you?

That was a deceiving title. You were all thinking endotracheal tube, weren’t you? Or maybe chest tube? Actually, I am referring to the nasogastric tube. I know what you’re thinking. “Why would we need ultrasound to see if the nasogastric tube is in the stomach? It’s pretty easy to tell clinically with a stethoscope.” You […]
EDE 3 Journal Club: Shoulder #POCUS for dislocations

We just held the 2nd iteration of the EDE 3 Journal Club led by Dr Tom Jelic from Winnipeg. Yesterday, Tom presented the results of a study by Dr Can Akyol from Turkey. He and his colleagues looked at the use of POCUS for shoulder dislocation. Click here for the pubmed link. Click the video […]
World Congress Ultrasound in Medical Education, October 12-15, 2017, Montréal

Have you ever been to this conference? I went to the first one in South Carolina a few years ago. Really useful for educators looking to bring POCUS into the undergraduate curriculum. This is the first one taking place in Canada. The conference website is wcume2017.org. SUSME (Society of Ultrasound in Medical Education) is the […]
OR-based study of #POCUS for Airway Confirmation

Here is another study presented by Dr Tom Jelic at EDE 3 Journal Club. This was an OR-based study led by Dr Davinder Ramsinghat from UC Irvine looking at the use of POCUS for airway confirmation. Here is the pub med link.
An EDE 3 Special Case

EDE 3 is being held at Mont-Saint-Anne just east of Québec City later this week. So I thought I would post a case where a couple of EDE 3 scans were quite useful: Groin hernias presented by Dr Andrew Skinner and the TAP block presented by Dr Ben Ho. A 69 year-old man presented with […]
#POCUS for distal radius fractures

Here is the next study presented by Dr Tom Jelic at the EDE 3 Journal Club. It was a multicentre study done in a few centres in Canada. Those centres were St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver (Dr Andrew Skinner), Foothills Hospital in Calgary (Dr Mark Bromley), Saint John Regional Hospital in Saint John (Dr Paul Atkinson), […]
#POCUS for Ocular Trauma

At EDE 2, we talk about using Ocular POCUS primarily in the search for retinal detachments and vitreous hemorrhages. It comes up less often, but we also point out its utility in the assessment of the trauma case, especially the ruptured globe. One of my colleagues in Sudbury, Dr Mark Dube, saw such a case […]
Pediatric pneumonia with #POCUS

Are you using POCUS for pneumonia? Here is the 3rd study that Dr Tom Jelic reviewed at EDE 3 Journal Club with the team. This was research performed by Dr Frédéric Samson and his team from Bilbao, Spain. Here is the pubmed link. And here are a few other recent studies on the topic of […]
The Elephant in the Room of #POCUS-guided (and other) Procedures

Can I tell you a secret? I did 5 years of residency, 2 years of family medicine in Canada (Quebec City) and 3 years of EM in the United States (Milwaukee). Both programs were really good and I got to do a variety of procedures and many of them. But even with all that training, […]
ED Throughput and #POCUS for Ectopic/IUP

Here’s the next study that was reviewed by Dr Tom Jelic at the latest EDE 3 Online Journal Club. It is a study by Wilson and his colleagues in California. They looked at the difference in ED length of stay when the pelvic ultrasound was done in radiology vs. when it was done by the […]
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