Clavicle Fracture-Do we need to Xray all of them?

This young man was body checked. His clavicle was not obviously deformed. POCUS easily showed the fracture. I guess at some point we might not feel the need to do the X-ray.
Send the right patients home with POCUS

Dr. Tim Van Aerde sent us this great case which illustrates some important points. This lady came in with vaginal bleeding, hCG 2500 and very minor left flank pain. Vitals normal. Hemoglobin normal. In the past I would have sent this patient home with an ultrasound in the morning. Threw on the probe and saw […]
Swollen finger? Take a bath!

Dr. Gordon presents a case of a swollen finger worth reviewing. POCUS is becoming extremely useful at investigating these patients as it allows great visualization of the tendon and sheath showing lacerations, foreign bodies and infection. Being a dynamic exam, you can have the patient move their digits and watch the tendons slide. An important trick is […]
Good uterus gone bad

The first patient was a week post-partum with some midline pelvic pain. POCUS showed a hyperechoic line in the endometrial cavity: likely gas from endometritis. The second patient had post-menopausal bleeding for over a month. POCUS showed a very bulky post-menopausal uterus with a fluid collection cephalad to the uterus: likely endometrial Ca. [Ed […]
Yes, yes it is another scary neck case!

Look, we know you are probably tired of hearing us tell you about all the things you can find with POCUS that are missed on physical exam or other imaging modalities. Well too bad! Learn this stuff and make a big save yourself! Lloyd Gordon has another nice case involving the neck…[ed.] This fellow […]
What’s the diagnosis and what’s the gold standard for POCUS??

A man in his late 50s presented to an ED a while back during the summers months with a 3 day H/O multiple complaints including rhinorhea, sore throat, dry cough, vomiting, loose stool, right frontal headaches, dyspnea, dysuria, and dark urine. So, a mixed picture. Fever of 100.9 was measured at home. No contacts or […]
Belly button mystery

Here’s a really nice case from Dr. Michael Garner. A healthy 17 yo male presents with a 1st episode of peri-umbilical progressive pain for the past 3 days. No nausea or vomiting; Normal stool; Unconfirmed fever. Slight discharge from umbilicus for last 24 hours. Referred by clinic to R/O incarcerated hernia. Examination of the abdomen […]
Huge save in a patient with neck swelling

Dr. Joel Turner , the fellowship director in Emergency Medicine Ultrasound in McGill’s department of Emergency Medicine at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal presents the following case. If this doesn’t make you reach for your ultrasound probe, nothing will! 55 year old female sent to the ED because of progressive, non-traumatic swelling of the […]
Now that Greg has made you afraid of necrotizing fasciitis…as you should be!

Greg posted a couple of cool cases of necrotizing fasciitis in December. We had a case of nec fasc in our department in the last few months that has made everyone quite wary! It has dropped our threshold for worrying about this nasty entity. I saw a patient last month who presented with diffuse cellulitis […]
EDE 3: Scanning, skiing and success!

The third annual EDE 3 course was a huge success. Forty adventurous individuals travelled to Sun Peaks, British Colombia Feb 2-3 to attend the largest EDE course ever. Located at the beautiful Sun Peaks Grand Hotel we had 16 ultrasound machines, 15 instructors, over 30 ultrasound models, and plenty of fresh powder. Amazing presentations were given […]
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