Tag: cellulitis
Abscesses, hematomas, and cellulitis, oh my!

I used to think that hematomas and abscesses were pretty straightforward to diagnose clinically. But I have had several cases that proved my initial suspicion to be wrong. Certainly the literature suggests we could do better differentiating cellulitis, DVT, and abscesses. I saw a patient who presented after knee surgery with a hot, swollen and […]
Now that Greg has made you afraid of necrotizing fasciitis…as you should be!

Greg posted a couple of cool cases of necrotizing fasciitis in December. We had a case of nec fasc in our department in the last few months that has made everyone quite wary! It has dropped our threshold for worrying about this nasty entity. I saw a patient last month who presented with diffuse cellulitis […]
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Let’s scare you into using POCUS shall we?

Warning: Scary article ahead. Point-of-Care Ultrasound Diagnosis of Necrotizing Fasciitis Missed By Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging It’s one of those diagnoses that scares us. Hard to figure out clinically in many cases at initial presentation. Adjunctive tests can be false negative. How can we increase our sensitivity? Use your POCUS skills of […]
Gas Gangrene

An elderly woman was sent to the ER by her senior’s residence in the middle of the night for bloody stools. The triage nurse found out that there was no blood but there was pus coming from her rectum. There was a very red and swollen area starting from the anus and extending onto her […]
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