Tag: CT
Can POCUS replace CT in Blunt Trauma?

There was a ton of research in the 1990s comparing POCUS or the FAST scan to CT. The practical conclusion of that research is what Ray Wiss and The EDE Course team members teach. If your Abdominal EDE is negative for free fluid, but you are concerned that your patient might have an intra-abdominal injury, […]
Yes, yes it is another scary neck case!

Look, we know you are probably tired of hearing us tell you about all the things you can find with POCUS that are missed on physical exam or other imaging modalities. Well too bad! Learn this stuff and make a big save yourself! Lloyd Gordon has another nice case involving the neck…[ed.] This fellow […]
Faster, radiation-free approach to Renal Colic with POCUS/EDE

We see LOTS of kidney stones in Sudbury. I’d swear that they mostly contain nickel and not calcium! About 5 years ago, I saw a 31-year-old patient with renal colic. I looked up their medical records on the computer. They had had 12 (!) CT scans in the previous 2 years. Can we do better? […]
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