Tag: education
Tanzania/ Kenya PoCUS project

I don’t have many heroes. Most of mine were accumulated in childhood, a time when that designation perhaps has fewer and less rigourous criteria. Having grown up in Montréal in the 1970s, Ken Dryden, Maurice “The Rocket” Richard, and Pierre Trudeau were mine. As adults, I think we have a higher threshold for calling someone […]
EDE Zen and the Art of POCUS Teaching

This is for all the POCUS teachers out there… We started the EDE 2 course in February 2009. To be honest, myself and the rest of the team were still figuring out the best way to do the various scans that we taught. We were also improving our bedside teaching. As most of you know, […]
POCUS may improve clinical exam skills

There is a legitimate concern that with newer technologies physicians are failing to develop, or are losing their clinical exam skills. Let’s face it, in the era of CTs and MRIs the quality of many medical practitioner’s neurological exam skills have become sketchy. Not you of course! But I am sure you know a few […]
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