Tag: radial artery
S/Q saline injection for pediatric art lines placed with POCUS guidance?

I was catching up on back issues of Anesthesia & Analgesia when I came across this article from the May 2014 issue: Nakayama et al. A novel method for ultrasound-guided radial arterial catheterization in pediatric patient. This was actually 2 studies in 1, or 2 phases as the authors call it. Common features of both […]
Best wrist angle for Art line with POCUS

I was glancing through the latest (January) issue of the Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, because that’s how we roll at the EDE Blog, and I noticed this article… Kucuk et al. Forty-five degree wrist angulation is optimal for ultrasound guided long axis radial artery cannulation in patients over 60 years old: a randomized […]
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