POCUS/EDE for Peritonsillar Abscess Drainage – An N of 1 Study

OK, this wasn’t really a pre-planned N of 1 study. But it’s a case that illustrates the power of POCUS/EDE to help diagnose and drain peritonsillar abscesses (PTA). A male in his late teens presented to the ED a few months ago with a sore throat. He was seen in a walk-in clinic 2 days […]
Lloyd’s Corner: POCUS makes things so easy, even the patient’s spouse can make the diagnosis!

Here is another case from Dr Lloyd Gordon of Humber in Toronto… A 32 year-old man presented to the ED with vague and occasional symptoms of urinary discomfort and mild hematuria for 4 months. He had been given multiple courses of antibiotics. The history was otherwise unremarkable. Physical exam was completely negative. The patient looked […]
Scanning the adnexa…a no-go zone?

Since 2001, The EDE Course has been teaching Obstetrical EDE, both the abdominal and transvaginal approaches. Ever since then, participants have been counseled to simply evaluate for a definitive intrauterine pregnancy. If the answer to the binary question is yes, then an ectopic pregnancy has been effectively ruled out, unless one happens to be concerned […]
Patients love imaging!

A girl in her mid-teens presented with acute suprapubic pain that woke her that morning. It was described as a cramping or burning. It was persistent although not as severe at the time of physician assessment. In fact, it had become rather mild. There was no radiation. She had never had it before. Her last […]
Lloyd’s Corner: Unusual Lung POCUS

Here is another cool case from Dr Lloyd Gordon of Humber in Toronto… A 25 year-old man from the Caribbean had one month history of cough, low grade fevers and chest pain. He was seen 2 weeks prior with right-sided chest pain. A POCUS done at the time showed normal lung sliding. He presented via […]
I’m afraid to do this…

A young woman presented with four days of a sore throat. Her voice was muffled. She couldn’t open her mouth very wide. She had trouble swallowing her own spit. She had had strep throat a few times. She also had two episodes of peritonsillar abscess in the last two years, one of which required drainage. […]
Lloyd’s Corner: Ectopic until proven otherwise

Here is a case from Dr Lloyd Gordon from Humber in Toronto: A women in her late 30s presented with a sudden onset of lower abdominal pain that started couple of hours before. She had some sort of ovarian surgery years ago. The LNMP was a week or two ago and she didn’t think she […]
Incidental POCUS Findings – The Gallbladder

There’s a whole host of abnormalities that one can find on POCUS. Some of them do not represent an acute problem. Most of them are of a minor nature and quite common, and do not need further imaging. But in a few cases, follow-up elective imaging is required. Here’s an example. This elderly patient presented […]
Saving Brainspace with POCUS

Here is a cool case that Lloyd Gordon recently sent us… “A 60 year-old woman had a fever of 39.6C and vomiting. The triage note mentioned abdominal pain but she didn’t have any pain when I saw her and she never asked for analgesics. Her abdomen was completely benign and she looked well. Not much […]
Foreign bodies in genitalia – Time for POCUS!

How’s that for a title! Books, lectures and plenty of other resources on foreign bodies would not be complete without at least one eye-catching image of a foreign body in an orifice where it clearly does not belong :). And there is often a bizarre story to go along with it. Admit it! Everyone has […]
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