Common Bile Duct Measurements: Not very useful for emergency physicians

Editors note: Lloyd has provided several great biliary scans to the blog and in his previous CBD related post talked about how an incidental finding of dilated CBD helped guide him towards diagnosing a patient with pancreatic cancer. While all of us at the EDE blog are POCUS enthusiasts, we must acknowledge that there is […]
Ultrasound beats Xray for skull fracture

This asymptomatic 7 month old had fallen on New Year’s and the parents noted a dent in the head. There did seem to be a contusion in the left fronto-parietal area with maybe an associated “dent”. The child was normally squirmy (and very happy) so the area of interest would swim in and out of […]
Dr Richard with a pneumonia that just won’t go away!

Thoracic EDE is one of the hot topics in the POCUS world. This is Ben Ho’s chapter at EDE 2. Joel Turner (@JTMcGillEM) has presented some newer aspects at EDE 3. Here is a case from Dr Bernard Richard in Valleyfield that illustrates its utility. Incidentally , Bernard will be making his debut as an […]
POCUS may improve clinical exam skills

There is a legitimate concern that with newer technologies physicians are failing to develop, or are losing their clinical exam skills. Let’s face it, in the era of CTs and MRIs the quality of many medical practitioner’s neurological exam skills have become sketchy. Not you of course! But I am sure you know a few […]
Beats doing a rectal exam

I was looking at a patient’s kidney. There was clear hydronephrosis and proximal hydroureter. The picture I included isn’t that great because I was trying to get a good picture of the proximal ureteric stone (~ 7 mm on KUB). I was looking at the bladder for a […]
EDE 3 Sun Peaks

EDE 3 Sun Peaks B.C. Feb 2-3 2015 **SOLD OUT** The biggest single course of its kind is getting ready to go! 12 Instructors, 14 machines, 40 attendees and lots of fun! We will be presenting plenty of advanced bedside applications including: Rapid assessment of the shoulder for ED docs Appendicitis, bowel […]
Bootcamp EDE April 2015 with apprentice program

The next Bootcamp dates are now finalized. April 25-27, 2015 Brantford, Ontario Let colleagues who have yet to get their certification know about Bootcamp now. The positions fill up almost immediately every year. Those who wish to obtain their Canadian Emergency Ultrasound Certification in one weekend can come to Brantford, Ontario and join […]
Necrotizing Fasciitis: Let’s scare you into using POCUS shall we?

Warning: Scary article ahead. Point-of-Care Ultrasound Diagnosis of Necrotizing Fasciitis Missed By Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging It’s one of those diagnoses that scares us. Hard to figure out clinically in many cases at initial presentation. Adjunctive tests can be false negative. How can we increase our sensitivity? Use your POCUS skills of […]
Ectopic & Left FAST

This patient who was known to be pregnant came in quite shocky. POCUS showed blood around the spleen only, none in Morison’s Pouch or in the pelvis. A bit weird? Maybe because the ectopic was in the left tube? The patient went right to the OR without any further imaging and did well. [Editor’s note: […]
Sternal Fracture

This fellow had an airbag/steering wheel injury. His sternum was tender over the fracture seen on POCUS. These are amazingly easy to find. Using a linear probe in the longitudinal plane, slide it cephalad and caudad along the sternum. I doubt this would have been seen on X-ray, the displacement is around 1 mm. [Editor’s […]
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