Skull fractures with #POCUS

Have you ever used POCUS to diagnose a skull fracture? We talk about it briefly at EDE 2, although we focus on the distal radius, extremities, and some other bones a bit more. But POCUS is really useful for skull fractures. Of course, if you have ready access to a CT scan, its utility will […]
TED Talk on #POCUS by Dr Chris Fox

We came across this presentation in the Twitter sphere. We retweeted it, but the talk is so good, we thought that a link should be posted on the blog. It is a TED talk on POCUS from Dr Chris Fox from UC Irvine destined for a lay audience. If you are ever doing some advocacy […]
EDE 2 at EMU and new course format

Just a quick announcement to let everyone know that we have posted the courses on the EDE 2 website that will take place prior to the EMU conference. The course taking place on Monday, May 1 is open to everyone. As for the course on Tuesday, May 2, those spots are reserved for conference […]
Tom Jelic’s EDE 3 Journal Club

Prior to the Christmas break, Dr Tom Jelic held another EDE 3 online journal club. Tom, now glad to be back in Winnipeg (even in January??), did a masterful job summarizing several articles from the recent POCUS literature. About a dozen of the EDE 3 instructors and participants were able to attend and share their […]
Walking through a fluid challenge case

Today we are going to give you a walk through of a case from a front line physician and his thought process in figuring out how much fluid to give a patient using POCUS. There are many ways to estimate fluid responsiveness/tolerance, some still hotly debated, but I think it’s worthwhile to show what some […]
Abscesses, hematomas, and cellulitis, oh my!

I used to think that hematomas and abscesses were pretty straightforward to diagnose clinically. But I have had several cases that proved my initial suspicion to be wrong. Certainly the literature suggests we could do better differentiating cellulitis, DVT, and abscesses. I saw a patient who presented after knee surgery with a hot, swollen and […]
Why you should care about billing for your scans

An uncomfortable subject for physicians but billing for our services is not just about compensation it is also recognition of the training, expertise, and time involved in providing a service. But most importantly, compensation for POCUS is necessary for its long term viability. The initial battle was all about fighting for our right to perform bedside […]
Using POCUS for decision-making in CP R/O ACS cases

Can POCUS help you in the management of chest pain rule-out ACS cases? Let’s have a look at a case… A few months ago, a man in his mid-60s presented with a chief complaint of chest pain. Past history included dyslipidemia and a remote lower extremity orthopedic injury. The patient smoked 3/4 ppd. He had […]
CEUS then & now

I’m here in Toronto at the CEUS conference with a couple dozen POCUS educators from around the country. They come from all parts of the country, from academic centres, from large and small community hospitals, and from some of Canada’s more remote regions. We are debating all aspects of the certification process, both in the […]
CEUS Educator’s Conference

The Canadian Emergency Ultrasound Society is holding and educator’s conference Thursday September 15 and Friday Sept 16 in Toronto. Registration is now full! One of the first orders of business is that CEUS will be changing it’s name to CPoCUS to reflect the growing number of non-emergency medicine specialties now involved in the organization. […]
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