3rd EDE 3 Article on Airway #POCUS

Here is the 3rd and final Airway POCUS article presented by Tom Jelic at the EDE 3 Journal club. The title is “Defining the learning curve for point-of-care ultrasound for confirming and a tracheal tube placement by emergency physicians“. See the end of this post for a video demonstrating what you see on the screen […]
Airway POCUS Article presented by TJ

Here is Article #2 from the EDE 3 Journal Club presented by Dr Tom Jelic. The title is “Ultrasonography for confirmation of endotracheal tube placement: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” This article by Chou et al was published in the May 2015 issue of Resuscitation. Scroll to the bottom and click on play to see […]
EDE 3 Journal Club

As part of the last two EDE 3 events, Dr. Tom Jelic held an online journal club. Tom did a great job summarizing some of the latest articles from the POCUS literature, with comments from several EDE 3 instructors and participants who chimed in with their take and experience. Several JCs were held this fall […]
EDE 3 Course at Sun Peaks

Sun Peaks EDE 3 was sold out but we have been able to get some more instructors and more machines so we have opened a few new places at the course Feb 4-5th 2015. Feb 4-5 2016 The biggest single course of its kind is getting ready to go! 15 Instructors, 15 machines, 40 […]
My twinkle is better than yours

Case courtesy of Dr. Joel Turner, Fellowship Director EM Ultrasound, McGill University: 59 year old male with a previous history of renal colic presents with severe LLQ pain, and mild dysuria. He had no fever, no GI symptoms, and was a non-smoker. His urine dipstick was positive for red blood cells. No gross hematuria. While […]
Do your consultants believe your scans?

I would like a show of hands, or emoji hands, as to how many of you have consultants who will act on your findings without further imaging. There is a learning curve and a trust that has to evolve in most consultative processes. You get enough calls correct and the trust hopefully begins to grow. […]
Dipping sauce

EDE 3 is coming up this weekend at Sunnybrook. Ben, Greg, and the gang will be teaching a bunch of new nerve blocks. When doing these and other sterile ultrasound-guided procedures, the setup is key. To use a term from Dr. Scott Weingart (@emcrit), many microskills come up…right down to the ultrasound gel. Instead of […]
Troubleshooting Foley catheters

I firmly believe nurses should be trained to use POCUS to trouble shoot Foley catheters. It is not that rare for a difficult Foley insertion to result in a small amount of urine return and then no further drainage or the balloon fails to inflate easily. More often than not, the Foley is still in […]

This patient had acute onset of severe L testicular pain and could hardly walk. I thought he was a torsion for sure. However the flow was fine. I moved up to the epididymitis and sure enough it was enlarged and with increased flow. [ed. note] With any patient that has a high pretest likelihood of […]
Floaters and Partial Visual Field Loss

A fairly classical history. The patient had looked it up on the internet and told me he had a retinal detachment. He was right. [ed. note] The thicker, more echogenic line and tethering near optic disc are classic hallmarks of RD on POCUS. Don’t forget to always have your patient move their eyes back […]
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