Tag: DVT
You got a POCUS Question? Put up your hand!

Since we went to the format with EDE 2 of putting all of the old PowerPoint presentations online in an interactive format, we have offered to answer the questions of participants as they work through the modules in getting ready for the live part of the course. This is intended to mimic a classroom where […]
Duplicated Superficial Femoral Vein

We will always keep learning… In the book and at the EDE 2 course, we mention the importance of keeping an eye out for the duplicate popliteal vein. It is important to scan both for DVT. At a recent course, something less common was found: a duplicate superficial femoral vein. To boot, there was a […]
Abscesses, hematomas, and cellulitis, oh my!

I used to think that hematomas and abscesses were pretty straightforward to diagnose clinically. But I have had several cases that proved my initial suspicion to be wrong. Certainly the literature suggests we could do better differentiating cellulitis, DVT, and abscesses. I saw a patient who presented after knee surgery with a hot, swollen and […]
Thrombus in Transit Captured with POCUS

Dr. Pete Steinmetz is one of the POCUS leaders at McGill University in Montreal. He runs the POCUS program for the med students. Pete and I go way back. We were in the same med school class at McGill…Class of…never the mind the year…it’s not important 😉 Pete sent us this great case! Take it […]
Huge save in a patient with neck swelling

Dr. Joel Turner , the fellowship director in Emergency Medicine Ultrasound in McGill’s department of Emergency Medicine at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal presents the following case. If this doesn’t make you reach for your ultrasound probe, nothing will! 55 year old female sent to the ED because of progressive, non-traumatic swelling of the […]
#POCUS for DVT in the ICU: Can it be Done?

Anton Helman (@EMCases) from EM Cases brought up a recent article on Twitter regarding DVT POCUS performed by internal medicine residents in the ICU. The results were…disappointing… But does this spell the end for DVT EDE? Let’s peel back the layers of the onion & see. If you would like to read the article yourself, […]
Multiorgan POCUS to rule out P.E.

Diagnosing pulmonary embolism (PE) in the emergency department remains a significant challenge. Deciding on who to scan, who to anticoagulate, and who to discharge home can be difficult. This recent article by Nazerian, et al, in Chest may allow a way for POCUS to significantly rule out PE in a large number of patients. They used […]
Another reason to use POCUS for Central Lines

It’s easy to forget that POCUS not only increases our success and reduces our complication rates for inserting central lines, it also helps us avoid putting lines where they don’t belong! While most clots will be visible a significant number can only be appreciated by the lack of compressibility of the vein. Below is another […]
When superficial thrombophlebitis isn’t benign

A 57 year old woman presented to the ED with left leg pain and swelling for a week. She had no past medical history, and no risk factors for DVT. On examination there was a palpable superficial cord running along the medial leg from the knee to the groin. This cord was erythematous, warm and […]
DVT: “Augmenting” your physical exam

Dr. Gordon is fast becoming an expert not only at performing various applications but remembering to put together great images and video for teaching others. And don’t forget, the patient’s family members can make great assistants! Below is his first submission to the EDE Blog but I have no doubt there will be many […]
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