Tag: EDE 2

As we navigate a new world with Covid 19, the EDE family is proud to announce two NEW products – EDE ONLINE and EDE Bedside Aid (EDE App) for mobile devices. EDE ONLINE is made up of: The EDE eBook; Online Modules of EDE 1 and EDE 2; and the EDE App. It contains all […]
Hammering away on the peritonsillar abscess theme…

Lloyd Gordon sent me this article. It is not a study regarding POCUS guidance for peritonsillar abscess (PTA). PTA drainage procedures in this study appear to have been done by ENT surgeons using old school blind technique. But it is a negative study. So good to tackle nonetheless. The article is by Battaglia et al […]
POCUS/EDE for Peritonsillar Abscess Drainage – An N of 1 Study

OK, this wasn’t really a pre-planned N of 1 study. But it’s a case that illustrates the power of POCUS/EDE to help diagnose and drain peritonsillar abscesses (PTA). A male in his late teens presented to the ED a few months ago with a sore throat. He was seen in a walk-in clinic 2 days […]
Tanzania/ Kenya PoCUS project

I don’t have many heroes. Most of mine were accumulated in childhood, a time when that designation perhaps has fewer and less rigourous criteria. Having grown up in Montréal in the 1970s, Ken Dryden, Maurice “The Rocket” Richard, and Pierre Trudeau were mine. As adults, I think we have a higher threshold for calling someone […]
Lloyd’s Corner: POCUS makes things so easy, even the patient’s spouse can make the diagnosis!

Here is another case from Dr Lloyd Gordon of Humber in Toronto… A 32 year-old man presented to the ED with vague and occasional symptoms of urinary discomfort and mild hematuria for 4 months. He had been given multiple courses of antibiotics. The history was otherwise unremarkable. Physical exam was completely negative. The patient looked […]
Lloyd’s Corner: Unusual Lung POCUS

Here is another cool case from Dr Lloyd Gordon of Humber in Toronto… A 25 year-old man from the Caribbean had one month history of cough, low grade fevers and chest pain. He was seen 2 weeks prior with right-sided chest pain. A POCUS done at the time showed normal lung sliding. He presented via […]
I’m afraid to do this…

A young woman presented with four days of a sore throat. Her voice was muffled. She couldn’t open her mouth very wide. She had trouble swallowing her own spit. She had had strep throat a few times. She also had two episodes of peritonsillar abscess in the last two years, one of which required drainage. […]
Everyone loves a contest :-)

We have toyed with the idea for a while. What if we hold a contest and give away some cool POCUS stuff for free. POCUS is cool! Free is cool! POCUS and free together is super cool!! So that is what we decided to do. This summer we held a contest. The grand prize of […]
Incidental POCUS Findings – The Gallbladder

There’s a whole host of abnormalities that one can find on POCUS. Some of them do not represent an acute problem. Most of them are of a minor nature and quite common, and do not need further imaging. But in a few cases, follow-up elective imaging is required. Here’s an example. This elderly patient presented […]
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