Tag: EDE 3
An EDE 3 Special Case

EDE 3 is being held at Mont-Saint-Anne just east of Québec City later this week. So I thought I would post a case where a couple of EDE 3 scans were quite useful: Groin hernias presented by Dr Andrew Skinner and the TAP block presented by Dr Ben Ho. A 69 year-old man presented with […]
Pediatric pneumonia with #POCUS

Are you using POCUS for pneumonia? Here is the 3rd study that Dr Tom Jelic reviewed at EDE 3 Journal Club with the team. This was research performed by Dr Frédéric Samson and his team from Bilbao, Spain. Here is the pubmed link. And here are a few other recent studies on the topic of […]
Have you ever wondered about using POCUS for C-Spine fractures?

Yes, that’s right. POCUS for unstable C-spine fractures…in children! Tom J found this article and presented it at the EDE 3 Journal Club. Talk about cutting edge! For sure, this one may or may not make it to prime time in the future. But hey, that’s what EDE 3 is about! Exploring new uses for […]
Peripheral IV placement with POCUS

It seems counter-intuitive, but peripheral IV placement with POCUS is the toughest procedure that we teach at EDE 2. Why? Because the target is so small compared to all of the other targets at which we are aiming our needle with the other procedures.This article by McCarthy et al. enrolled an impressive number of patients! […]
POCUS for Hip Fractures

Tom presented this article at the EDE 3 Journal club on the topic of POCUS-guided nerve block for hip fractures. The article is courtesy of Brandon Ritcey, Michael Woo, and their team in Ottawa. Here is the link for the full article. Perfect timing for this article given that it is hip fracture season! Here’s […]
EDE 3: TAPSE for Pulmonary Embolus with Dr. Tom Jelic

This was the subject of a post this summer. Andrea Unger introduced us to TAPSE at EDE 3 Sun Peaks last year. Definitely seems to have some utility in that possible PE case when you’re just not sure about RV free wall contractility. See the video for Tom’s review of the article by Lobo et […]
Can POCUS replace CT in Blunt Trauma?

There was a ton of research in the 1990s comparing POCUS or the FAST scan to CT. The practical conclusion of that research is what Ray Wiss and The EDE Course team members teach. If your Abdominal EDE is negative for free fluid, but you are concerned that your patient might have an intra-abdominal injury, […]
Cardiac POCUS in Traumatic Cardiac Arrest

There have been a few studies looking at the utility of finding cardiac standstill as a data point to predict survivability in patients presenting with cardiac arrest. Here is a study looking at the same topic in the setting of traumatic cardiac arrest. The lead author is Canadian ex-pat, Dr Kenji Inaba, a trauma surgeon […]
LUCUS (SOB) Protocol article presented by TJ

The Dyspnea protocol scans have been practice changing! Every ED has missed many CHF diagnoses over the years. Add in doctors’ offices and clinics, and the numbers grow exponentially. Doing these scans fairly routinely in patients who present with shortness of breath NYD, especially the older patient, will automatically make you a smarter doctor. Less […]
EDE 3 Article: Carotid #POCUS in Cardiac Arrest

If you listen to EmCrit, you know that Scott Weingart talks about placing a femoral art line during cardiac arrest to better assess the response to therapy and guide epi dosing. In many EDs in Canada with only one emerg doc on duty to be both the brain and the hands for running a code, […]
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