Tag: pediatrics
Pediatric pneumonia with #POCUS

Are you using POCUS for pneumonia? Here is the 3rd study that Dr Tom Jelic reviewed at EDE 3 Journal Club with the team. This was research performed by Dr Frédéric Samson and his team from Bilbao, Spain. Here is the pubmed link. And here are a few other recent studies on the topic of […]
Skull fractures with #POCUS

Have you ever used POCUS to diagnose a skull fracture? We talk about it briefly at EDE 2, although we focus on the distal radius, extremities, and some other bones a bit more. But POCUS is really useful for skull fractures. Of course, if you have ready access to a CT scan, its utility will […]
Have you ever wondered about using POCUS for C-Spine fractures?

Yes, that’s right. POCUS for unstable C-spine fractures…in children! Tom J found this article and presented it at the EDE 3 Journal Club. Talk about cutting edge! For sure, this one may or may not make it to prime time in the future. But hey, that’s what EDE 3 is about! Exploring new uses for […]
S/Q saline injection for pediatric art lines placed with POCUS guidance?

I was catching up on back issues of Anesthesia & Analgesia when I came across this article from the May 2014 issue: Nakayama et al. A novel method for ultrasound-guided radial arterial catheterization in pediatric patient. This was actually 2 studies in 1, or 2 phases as the authors call it. Common features of both […]
Bloody diarrhea in a baby and no U/S tech on-call

Dr Daren Lin from Guelph, Ontario posted a great case in the last few days on the CEUS discussion list. With his permission, we have reposted it here on the EDE blog. Take it away , Daren! Last night on my evening shift at a community hospital, I had a 13 month old who presented […]
Think about the children! Ruling in appendicitis

A few days ago I was shocked and surprised to have an 8 year old male taken to the O.R. by our surgeon with only a clinical exam and my bedside scan. The child was seen in the late evening when access to U/S and CT is very limited at our shop. While the […]
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