Tag: Tom Jelic
Med students & #POCUS
Medical schools across the world are incorporating POCUS into their undergraduate curriculum. A natural result is more and more research into the area. Tom Jelic reviewed this study at EDE 3 journal club. Udrea and colleagues from Loma Linda in California published their results in the Journal of Emergency Medicine earlier this year. Here is […]
POCUS for Pneumonia? EDE 3 Journal Club Meta-analysis presented by TJ
There is more and more research looking at the utility of POCUS for diagnosing pneumonia, both in adults and pediatrics. At the EDE 3 journal club, Dr Tom Jelic presented a meta-analysis on the topic published by Alzahrani et al in CUJO, Critical Ultrasound Journal. The title is “Systematic review and meta-analysis for the use […]
EDE 3 Journal Club: Is the Tube In? Can #POCUS tell you?
That was a deceiving title. You were all thinking endotracheal tube, weren’t you? Or maybe chest tube? Actually, I am referring to the nasogastric tube. I know what you’re thinking. “Why would we need ultrasound to see if the nasogastric tube is in the stomach? It’s pretty easy to tell clinically with a stethoscope.” You […]
EDE 3 Journal Club: Shoulder #POCUS for dislocations
We just held the 2nd iteration of the EDE 3 Journal Club led by Dr Tom Jelic from Winnipeg. Yesterday, Tom presented the results of a study by Dr Can Akyol from Turkey. He and his colleagues looked at the use of POCUS for shoulder dislocation. Click here for the pubmed link. Click the video […]
OR-based study of #POCUS for Airway Confirmation
Here is another study presented by Dr Tom Jelic at EDE 3 Journal Club. This was an OR-based study led by Dr Davinder Ramsinghat from UC Irvine looking at the use of POCUS for airway confirmation. Here is the pub med link.
Pediatric pneumonia with #POCUS
Are you using POCUS for pneumonia? Here is the 3rd study that Dr Tom Jelic reviewed at EDE 3 Journal Club with the team. This was research performed by Dr Frédéric Samson and his team from Bilbao, Spain. Here is the pubmed link. And here are a few other recent studies on the topic of […]
Tom Jelic’s EDE 3 Journal Club
Prior to the Christmas break, Dr Tom Jelic held another EDE 3 online journal club. Tom, now glad to be back in Winnipeg (even in January??), did a masterful job summarizing several articles from the recent POCUS literature. About a dozen of the EDE 3 instructors and participants were able to attend and share their […]
Have you ever wondered about using POCUS for C-Spine fractures?
Yes, that’s right. POCUS for unstable C-spine fractures…in children! Tom J found this article and presented it at the EDE 3 Journal Club. Talk about cutting edge! For sure, this one may or may not make it to prime time in the future. But hey, that’s what EDE 3 is about! Exploring new uses for […]
Peripheral IV placement with POCUS
It seems counter-intuitive, but peripheral IV placement with POCUS is the toughest procedure that we teach at EDE 2. Why? Because the target is so small compared to all of the other targets at which we are aiming our needle with the other procedures.This article by McCarthy et al. enrolled an impressive number of patients! […]
POCUS for Hip Fractures
Tom presented this article at the EDE 3 Journal club on the topic of POCUS-guided nerve block for hip fractures. The article is courtesy of Brandon Ritcey, Michael Woo, and their team in Ottawa. Here is the link for the full article. Perfect timing for this article given that it is hip fracture season! Here’s […]
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