
As we navigate a new world with Covid 19, the EDE family is proud to announce two NEW products – EDE ONLINE and EDE Bedside Aid (EDE App) for mobile devices. EDE ONLINE is made up of: The EDE eBook; Online Modules of EDE 1 and EDE 2; and the EDE App. It contains all […]
Transesophageal Echo & a New Podcast!

Transesophageal echo is slowly making inroads into emergency medicine. It has been presented at EDE 3 a couple of times by Dr Laurie Robichaud. I know that Jordan Chenkin and his team are using TEE at Sunnybrook and have had some pretty cool cases already. Ditto for Tom Jelic with some trauma cases in Winnipeg. […]
Everyone loves a contest :-)

We have toyed with the idea for a while. What if we hold a contest and give away some cool POCUS stuff for free. POCUS is cool! Free is cool! POCUS and free together is super cool!! So that is what we decided to do. This summer we held a contest. The grand prize of […]
Winter is coming!

OK, winter is still far away. But it will unfortunately be here before you know it. Why do I mention that in the middle of a hot summer? Winter is hip fracture season. And hip fractures mean that it’s time to get your ultrasound machine, a needle, local anesthetic, and some other bits of gear […]
Le livre ÉDU est maintenant sur iBooks

Tel que promis l’automne passé, nous avons publié le livre ÉDU sur iBooks. Tout comme la version anglaise du livre numérique, « L’essentiel de l’échographie ciblée » ajoute ses fonctionnalités : • des questionnaires • plus que quarante vidéos • des références avec des hyperliens à PubMed • des liens au contenu sur le Blogue […]
EM Update in Toronto, Week of April 23

Lots of POCUS stuff will be happening at EMU this year. EDE and EDE 2 take place prior to the conference. EDE Master Instructors Jordan Chenkin and Rob Simard from Sunnybrook/U of T as well as Greg Hall (EDE 3/Brantford/McMaster) and myself will be running POCUS workshops during the conference. POCUS will even be on […]
EM POCUS Fellowships in Canada

It’s coming up on 10 years since we started our POCUS fellowship in Sudbury. Dr Andrew Skinner was our first fellow who we conned accepted into the fellowship 🙂 Andrew went onto start the fellowship at St Paul’s in Vancouver. Since then, the number of Canadian EM POCUS has grown significantly. Among them are fellowships […]
Le livre ÉDU/The EDE Book

The English version follows the French… J’ai grandi dans les années 1970 à Laval. Pour ceux qui sont d’un certain âge, vous savez que ce furent des temps tumultueux au Québec et au Canada. La crise du FLQ, la première victoire électorale du PQ, le projet de loi 101 et le premier référendum sur la […]
World Congress Ultrasound in Medical Education, October 12-15, 2017, Montréal

Have you ever been to this conference? I went to the first one in South Carolina a few years ago. Really useful for educators looking to bring POCUS into the undergraduate curriculum. This is the first one taking place in Canada. The conference website is SUSME (Society of Ultrasound in Medical Education) is the […]
EDE 2 at EMU and new course format

Just a quick announcement to let everyone know that we have posted the courses on the EDE 2 website that will take place prior to the EMU conference. The course taking place on Monday, May 1 is open to everyone. As for the course on Tuesday, May 2, those spots are reserved for conference […]
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