Hot off the presses: #POCUS for Aortic Dissection

For the last few years, while doing bedside teaching at EDE 2 or EDE 3, or in my own ED, I have been occasionally sharing useful tidbits regarding the utility of POCUS for aortic dissection. I have been mentioning that a PCE, an aortic flap (at any level of the aorta), and a dilated aortic […]
EM POCUS Fellowships in Canada

It’s coming up on 10 years since we started our POCUS fellowship in Sudbury. Dr Andrew Skinner was our first fellow who we conned accepted into the fellowship 🙂 Andrew went onto start the fellowship at St Paul’s in Vancouver. Since then, the number of Canadian EM POCUS has grown significantly. Among them are fellowships […]
Avoid the poor man’s TURP with a Foley by using POCUS

Nurses are really good at putting in Foley catheters. They do it all the time and most of them are really easy to place. Most of them… When they aren’t, who do they ask for help? You bet ya! The emergency physician. If you are like Dr Lloyd Gordon, the first thing that you do […]
Rhein Man and POCUS-guided IVs

StĂ©phane Rhein who works at HĂ´pital Charles LeMoyne in Longueuil (just south of MontrĂ©al) recently sent us this article summary of some research that he and his colleagues published on POCUS-guided IVs by RNs in QuĂ©bec. We thought we would share 🙂 Hi Guys, Since I doubt any of you spend any time reading nursing […]
Le livre ÉDU/The EDE Book

The English version follows the French… J’ai grandi dans les annĂ©es 1970 Ă Laval. Pour ceux qui sont d’un certain âge, vous savez que ce furent des temps tumultueux au QuĂ©bec et au Canada. La crise du FLQ, la première victoire Ă©lectorale du PQ, le projet de loi 101 et le premier rĂ©fĂ©rendum sur la […]
Med students & #POCUS

Medical schools across the world are incorporating POCUS into their undergraduate curriculum. A natural result is more and more research into the area. Tom Jelic reviewed this study at EDE 3 journal club. Udrea and colleagues from Loma Linda in California published their results in the Journal of Emergency Medicine earlier this year. Here is […]
Duplicated Superficial Femoral Vein

We will always keep learning… In the book and at the EDE 2 course, we mention the importance of keeping an eye out for the duplicate popliteal vein. It is important to scan both for DVT. At a recent course, something less common was found: a duplicate superficial femoral vein. To boot, there was a […]
POCUS for Pneumonia? EDE 3 Journal Club Meta-analysis presented by TJ

There is more and more research looking at the utility of POCUS for diagnosing pneumonia, both in adults and pediatrics. At the EDE 3 journal club, Dr Tom Jelic presented a meta-analysis on the topic published by Alzahrani et al in CUJO, Critical Ultrasound Journal. The title is “Systematic review and meta-analysis for the use […]
Seven Days of EDE

Thanks to the dedication of multiple instructors across the country, we are now able to hold more EDE 2 Courses than ever before. For the next seven weekdays, we are holding EDE 2 events from BC to QuĂ©bec. Tomorrow and Wednesday we are holding EDE 2 in Kamloops, BC. EDE 2 team members are Andrew […]
CVLs: When gas is useful in #POCUS

Here are 2 studies that Tom Jelic presented at the latest EDE 3 journal club looking at the use of a saline flush to confirm central line placement. In the presentation, Tom shows a video of a subxiphoid view showing what is seen within 2 seconds of the flush being injected. The 2 studies were […]
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