Tag: EDE 1

As we navigate a new world with Covid 19, the EDE family is proud to announce two NEW products – EDE ONLINE and EDE Bedside Aid (EDE App) for mobile devices. EDE ONLINE is made up of: The EDE eBook; Online Modules of EDE 1 and EDE 2; and the EDE App. It contains all […]
Tanzania/ Kenya PoCUS project

I don’t have many heroes. Most of mine were accumulated in childhood, a time when that designation perhaps has fewer and less rigourous criteria. Having grown up in Montréal in the 1970s, Ken Dryden, Maurice “The Rocket” Richard, and Pierre Trudeau were mine. As adults, I think we have a higher threshold for calling someone […]
Scanning the adnexa…a no-go zone?

Since 2001, The EDE Course has been teaching Obstetrical EDE, both the abdominal and transvaginal approaches. Ever since then, participants have been counseled to simply evaluate for a definitive intrauterine pregnancy. If the answer to the binary question is yes, then an ectopic pregnancy has been effectively ruled out, unless one happens to be concerned […]
Patients love imaging!

A girl in her mid-teens presented with acute suprapubic pain that woke her that morning. It was described as a cramping or burning. It was persistent although not as severe at the time of physician assessment. In fact, it had become rather mild. There was no radiation. She had never had it before. Her last […]
Everyone loves a contest :-)

We have toyed with the idea for a while. What if we hold a contest and give away some cool POCUS stuff for free. POCUS is cool! Free is cool! POCUS and free together is super cool!! So that is what we decided to do. This summer we held a contest. The grand prize of […]
Lloyd’s Corner: Ectopic until proven otherwise

Here is a case from Dr Lloyd Gordon from Humber in Toronto: A women in her late 30s presented with a sudden onset of lower abdominal pain that started couple of hours before. She had some sort of ovarian surgery years ago. The LNMP was a week or two ago and she didn’t think she […]
Rare as rare can be…easily picked up with POCUS!

I am working away on the French version of the eBook making a few edits as I go. One important addition is a video from Dr Bernard Richard. Bernard is an EDE 2 instructor based in Valleyfield, Québec. He saw a young women with a first trimester presentation, some combination of pain and bleeding. The […]
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